This audiobook set has been inspired by parents who've allowed me into their lives over the years. You have shared so many ideas to skillfully manage the tricky emotions and behaviours of young people, despite it being 'tough going' for you on occasions. Your kindness, persistence and wisdom are responsible for the information contained within.
I want these audiobooks to become a source of guidance and strength to parents so their children can grow to know they are so much more than enough, despite a few bumps in the early years. That there will never be another of them anywhere in the universe. They are a matchless creation on this fabulous blue planet, and we want them to rejoice in their humanness.
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The cost for each audiobook is $4, or $35 for the set of 10. Please note: when buying the set of 10, no discount will be given for previously purchased audiobooks and the set does not include any new audiobooks that may be added in the future. Once you have purchased an audiobook, you may listen to it as often as you like. Running time approximately 1 hour for each audiobook or 10 hours for the set.
Written and read by Mark Le Messurier, Copyright 2021
Jonathan Roesler, producer and audio engineer
Lauren Eldridge Murray, Illustrator,
Len De Candia, Webmaster,
Watch the video and then browse the audiobooks below.
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This audiobook has been developed to reset your thinking about your child's passion for screens, and how you can support them to build a balance between screen fun and day to day commitments. The goal must be about managing time and never about belittling their interests. When we blatantly fight them, we are more likely turn their natural desire for screens into a crazed chase for forbidden fruit. When you accept this as an ongoing process rather than a fight you give yourself a wonderful freedom to be far more effective. There is not a quick fix.
The real issue is that you are the first generation of parents, to parent kids growing up with this kind of irresistible technology at their fingertips. Screens are intoxicating because they set up a tantalizing positive feedback loop in our brains which is near impossible to escape. Given that the 'on/off' switches in children's brains are not fully developed, it is no wonder this is the perfect storm in so many homes.
The cost for each audiobook is $4, or $35 for the set of 10. Please note: when buying the set of 10, no discount will be given for previously purchased audiobooks and the set does not include any new audiobooks that may be added in the future. Once you have purchased an audiobook, you may listen to it as often as you like. Running time approximately 1 hour for each audiobook or 10 hours for the set.
Written and read by Mark Le Messurier, Copyright 2021
Jonathan Roesler, producer and audio engineer
Lauren Eldridge Murray, Illustrator,
Len De Candia, Webmaster,
This audiobook is a guide for parents to understand their leadership style; what they look and sound like as they regulate their children's behaviour. A useful way to do this is to use the SOCIAL CONTROL WINDOW. It generates 4 management approaches -
By the end of this audiobook you will know -
I have designed this hour as a time for personal reflection because there is always room for improvement within each of us.
The cost for each audiobook is $4, or $35 for the set of 10. Please note: when buying the set of 10, no discount will be given for previously purchased audiobooks and the set does not include any new audiobooks that may be added in the future. Once you have purchased an audiobook, you may listen to it as often as you like. Running time approximately 1 hour for each audiobook or 10 hours for the set.
Written and read by Mark Le Messurier, Copyright 2021
Jonathan Roesler, producer and audio engineer
Lauren Eldridge Murray, Illustrator,
Len De Candia, Webmaster,
Since ancient times, the idea of growing self-awareness and building identity has intrigued us. Yet, none of us are born with peak self-awareness, sparkling and ready to serve us! What we know is that it slowly emerges throughout childhood and is polished over time as we grow and experience the world.
This audiobook presents a collection of intriguing activities and conversations to support young people make sense of the world, themselves and their place in it. We know that when children and teens are given multiple opportunities to examine their own thinking, the thinking of others, make comparisons and ponder how they fit into the world with their individual differences, they gradually become more self-aware and better able to build their own secure identity. We also know that having a well-developed sense of 'self and identity' carries more weight in life satisfaction/happiness than a brilliant IQ, A grades from school, or stunning looks!
There is much we can do to grow this uniquely human capacity in our kids. We want them to know they are so much more than enough. That there will never be another of them anywhere in the universe. They are a matchless creation on this fabulous blue planet. Encourage them to rejoice in their humanness.
The cost for each audiobook is $4, or $35 for the set of 10. Please note: when buying the set of 10, no discount will be given for previously purchased audiobooks and the set does not include any new audiobooks that may be added in the future. Once you have purchased an audiobook, you may listen to it as often as you like. Running time approximately 1 hour for each audiobook or 10 hours for the set.
Written and read by Mark Le Messurier, Copyright 2021
Jonathan Roesler, producer and audio engineer
Lauren Eldridge Murray, Illustrator,
Len De Candia, Webmaster,
Many good people who have had something to offer go to their graves frustrated by their inability to persevere. In recent years, researchers have explored the idea of what creates successful/satisfied people. Time and time again, one characteristic emerged as THE significant predictor of success/personal satisfaction. It is the ability to persevere. We now understand that kids and adults who can persevere are more likely to find a way to accomplish the task at hand.
The research also teaches us that children can be taught to be more persistent. This audiobook is bursting with a selection of sparkling conversations, ideas and activities to promote our children's capacity to persevere.
If you've already got a persistent child, this audiobook will help you re-frame your thinking, so you'll see their stubbornness as a strength to work with. And, if your child isn't naturally persistent, this will support you with effective ways to develop it. Either way, perseverance will no longer be a mystery.
The cost for each audiobook is $4, or $35 for the set of 10. Please note: when buying the set of 10, no discount will be given for previously purchased audiobooks and the set does not include any new audiobooks that may be added in the future. Once you have purchased an audiobook, you may listen to it as often as you like. Running time approximately 1 hour for each audiobook or 10 hours for the set.
Written and read by Mark Le Messurier, Copyright 2021
Jonathan Roesler, producer and audio engineer
Lauren Eldridge Murray, Illustrator,
Len De Candia, Webmaster,
Competition between siblings has occurred since the beginning of time as kids have fought for time, attention, love, resources, and approval from their parents. Sibling relationships are the longest lasting and most constant intimate relationships formed by human beings, and mostly, they are driven by affection. They last longer than most friendships, through the deaths of parents and beyond many marriages. Sharing an extended shared history from early childhood into old age is significant!
The truth is, most kids don't have a natural incentive to treat their siblings nicely because no matter what they do, their sibling will still be there ready for them tomorrow! As well, a lot of sibling rivalry tends to occur 'back-stage' where parents never get to witness a beginning. What we get to see is the 'performance' and it is often the tip of the iceberg.
This audiobook highlights a host of practical approaches to soothe the intensity and work towards a more collaborative sibling culture. When sibling relationships are deftly supported and managed by parents in the early years, they are more likely to show greater compassion, tolerance and stronger connections towards each other.
The cost for each audiobook is $4, or $35 for the set of 10. Please note: when buying the set of 10, no discount will be given for previously purchased audiobooks and the set does not include any new audiobooks that may be added in the future. Once you have purchased an audiobook, you may listen to it as often as you like. Running time approximately 1 hour for each audiobook or 10 hours for the set.
Written and read by Mark Le Messurier, Copyright 2021
Jonathan Roesler, producer and audio engineer
Lauren Eldridge Murray, Illustrator,
Len De Candia, Webmaster,
Welcome to my audiobook, 'Dealing with BIG FEELINGS' where the focus is on understanding, normalizing and working more productively with them. BIG FEELINGS are typically bigger, noisier and more frequent in the world of younger children and are usually a reaction to anxiety, tension, change or disappointment. With these, come a myriad of behaviours; anger, anxiety, avoidance, withdrawal, shame, sadness, despair and many more.
Firstly, let us recognise that BIG FEELINGS are normal and that we are not born with effective ways to control them. Just as it took us a while to regulate them, it will also take our kids a while. Our job is to build our children's capacity to manage their emotional responses in healthy, adaptive ways because the parts of the brain that regulate emotions will not be fully formed until they are in their mid-twenties.
There is so much we can do, right now, to teach them to manage them better. The mission of this audiobook is to introduce a range of simple ideas to support your children to better manage their frazzled feelings. Shift your mindset from managing 'poor behaviour' to 'teaching self-regulation skills.' We value these skills because they are the foundation for resilient behaviours. compassion, tolerance and stronger connections towards each other.
The cost for each audiobook is $4, or $35 for the set of 10. Please note: when buying the set of 10, no discount will be given for previously purchased audiobooks and the set does not include any new audiobooks that may be added in the future. Once you have purchased an audiobook, you may listen to it as often as you like. Running time approximately 1 hour for each audiobook or 10 hours for the set.
Written and read by Mark Le Messurier, Copyright 2021
Jonathan Roesler, producer and audio engineer
Lauren Eldridge Murray, Illustrator,
Len De Candia, Webmaster,
This audiobook offers a challenge!
It challenges how you interpret behaviour and so-called 'mis' behaviour.
I want to teach you to apply your 'soft eyes' and 'warm hearts' to better understand what your child's behaviour is attempting to communicate. Behaviour, of course, is an expression of a need, and to survive a tricky moment, children can seize a behaviour based on a 'misassumption' or 'faulty logic'. I see that a child's behaviour tells us the purest of stories. But, this story can only be understood when we are prepared to step away from being annoyed or overcorrecting and truly imagine what's going on for them. This is when we can we make a difference.
This audiobook also presents a 12-part guide on how to work with tricky behaviours. Time is given to the role of shame because it can escalate emotions fast. We need to know this and use language that does not provoke shame in our children.
As well, I will touch on the delivery of negative consequences because sometimes we must hold young people accountable for a poor choice. I coach that we deliver consequences with kindness, without overexplaining or being retaliatory. We do it with compassion because this will help them grow into more empathetic humans.
The best consequence is to support kids to repair the damage, upset or harm they have caused. Teaching them how to make amends is an invaluable life skill. Another consequence may be to lovingly pull them closer, hug them, and say, "I know you're disappointed. You made a mistake. What have you learnt from it?" Staying emotionally connected allows a precious space to be built where they naturally feel a little regret and want to make changes, rather than being forced to.
The cost for each audiobook is $4, or $35 for the set of 10. Please note: when buying the set of 10, no discount will be given for previously purchased audiobooks and the set does not include any new audiobooks that may be added in the future. Once you have purchased an audiobook, you may listen to it as often as you like. Running time approximately 1 hour for each audiobook or 10 hours for the set.
Written and read by Mark Le Messurier, Copyright 2021
Jonathan Roesler, producer and audio engineer
Lauren Eldridge Murray, Illustrator,
Len De Candia, Webmaster,
Move over childhood, here comes adolescence! This audiobook links the classic teen behaviours and emotions to precisely what's happening in their brains.
Adolescence is a period of massive change and vulnerabilities, and therefore our teens need us on their side. No matter how tall or buff your son looks, or how adult your daughter presents when all dressed up, they will not be wired as adults for a long time. It is a critical time for us to switch it up our parenting and become a 'wise guide' without appearing too wise or too keen.
The cost for each audiobook is $4, or $35 for the set of 10. Please note: when buying the set of 10, no discount will be given for previously purchased audiobooks and the set does not include any new audiobooks that may be added in the future. Once you have purchased an audiobook, you may listen to it as often as you like. Running time approximately 1 hour for each audiobook or 10 hours for the set.
Written and read by Mark Le Messurier, Copyright 2021
Jonathan Roesler, producer and audio engineer
Lauren Eldridge Murray, Illustrator,
Len De Candia, Webmaster,
Once, parents hit and smacked children to get improvements in behaviour. Then, over time, society broadened its tolerances and the power inequality between adults and kids shifted. The spirit of this audiobook is to expand our children's ability (and our own) to communicate, assertively. That is, the capacity to resolve a problem with strength, kindness, and without hurting or shaming another. I propose that the 'art' of developing constructive language patterns is a final frontier for all of us - children and adults - especially in moments when there is tension, or when we must have a tricky conversation with another.
These skills are well-defined, highly teachable, and transferable. They demand practice, and with this in mind, you can download for free, the 'Role-plays' and 'Decide and justify cards' presented in this audiobook. And, who knows, perhaps a few of these valuable human skills will rub off on us adults as we practice them with our kids!
To me, the true depth of humanness, is the unique capacity we possess to use our emotional intelligence to make improvements. Improvements for ourselves, for others, and in situations that suddenly confront us.
The cost for each audiobook is $4, or $35 for the set of 10. Please note: when buying the set of 10, no discount will be given for previously purchased audiobooks and the set does not include any new audiobooks that may be added in the future. Once you have purchased an audiobook, you may listen to it as often as you like. Running time approximately 1 hour for each audiobook or 10 hours for the set.
Written and read by Mark Le Messurier, Copyright 2021
Jonathan Roesler, producer and audio engineer
Lauren Eldridge Murray, Illustrator,
Len De Candia, Webmaster,
The term resilience is used to describe a person's capacity to cope with change or challenge, and to bounce back with vigour and optimism. Resiliency is such a prized quality as it positions us for the inevitable hiccups, tests and disasters that await us in the future. We now understand that resilience is not a trait that a few lucky ones are born with. It involves behaviours, thoughts and actions that are gradually learned and developed.
This audiobook presents a collection of resilience builders, I call the 10-C's; can-do attitudes, confidence, connections, capacity to change, contributing to others, core value awareness, controlling what you can, communication, composed parenting and common sense.
The 10-C's position parents to become the best resilience coach for their children. While these are critical ideas to work with, most critical is how a parent models their own resilience to their children on an everyday basis. Oh yes! Our children watch us and learn.
Family is the place children and teens gain their resilience and they are dependent on us to know how to invest in them. Isn't it ironic that our children's resilience hinges on us, what we model and how we coach, for the first 20 years of their lives?
The cost for each audiobook is $4, or $35 for the set of 10. Please note: when buying the set of 10, no discount will be given for previously purchased audiobooks and the set does not include any new audiobooks that may be added in the future. Once you have purchased an audiobook, you may listen to it as often as you like. Running time approximately 1 hour for each audiobook or 10 hours for the set.
Written and read by Mark Le Messurier, Copyright 2021
Jonathan Roesler, producer and audio engineer
Lauren Eldridge Murray, Illustrator,
Len De Candia, Webmaster,