STOP and THINK Friendship DVD Package
In response to the serious concerns about the pervasive effects of poor peer friendships and
also the high incidence of social problems in our community, programs specifically designed for
training social skills in children have proliferated over the past decades. The most effective are
cognitive-behavioural programs where children are taught how to solve social problems
positively and how to act in pro-social ways. Several studies have shown that children who
receive social skills training in their early years cope better with stressors in adolescence with
higher self-esteem, academic success and social status, and lower incidences of delinquency,
drug abuse, school drop-out, suicide and other emotional-psychological disturbance.
STOP THINK DO is an Australian cognitive-behavioural social skills training program originally
devised as a treatment for children and adolescents with social-behavioural difficulties. The
program may be run in clinics or schools, with individuals or groups. The approach is both
didactic and experiential, teaching children specific social skills and a process of relating to
others so that they can make and keep friends. In liaison with educationalists, STOP THINK DO
has been adapted for teaching directly in the classroom as a social skills curriculum with a
preventive focus, aiming to improve the social skills of all children from a young age to prevent
emotional-social-behavioural problems from developing.
$99.00 plus $10.00 postage.