Mark Le Messurier, New Year 2019, educator workshop 12 of 12
TOPIC: Practical ideas to build SELF-AWARENESS and IDENTITY in young people (2 hours)
What is self-awareness and identity?
Psychologist, Daniel Goleman said, "self-awareness is an emotional intelligence or self-knowledge; the idea of knowing one's internal states, preference, resources and intuitions." This is tough stuff even for us adults!
Even though human beings are the only creatures on Earth with the capacity to reflect on past choices, make quick changes, assess the value of the change, and be able to commit to do things differently, none of us are born with peak self-awareness ready to go! It very slowly emerges throughout childhood and is polished over time as we grow and experience the world.
Our role is to stimulate this beautiful intelligence in our kids, so they can glimpse the possibility of new potentials, opportunities, futures and ways to evolve. The idea is that the more we assist them to pay attention to their thoughts, emotions, actions and outcomes, the better they'll understand why they do the things they do, who they are now, and who they dare to be in the future.
This workshop presents a collection of healthy, practical ideas to guide young to grow a better idea of their present and future identities. This kind of coaching requires poise and a plan, because change is a slow and the struggle to replace old habits and thoughts with new ones, takes time. I promise to give you lots to take away!
A good place to begin is to get up close and personal with the human brain because this is where all the action takes place! As students explore the plasticity of the brain, they understand why they can do things differently, and make changes. And, finally, we move to the top of the self-awareness hierarchy, and play with ideas to unravel the concept of identity. Here we seek to answer the big questions;
"Who am I now?"
"Why am I like I am?"
"What's important to me?"
"What can I become in the future?"
"What do I want to become?"
"What am I afraid of becoming?"
"Is there a God?"
"What is God?"
"How does God work and how do I fit into it all?"
Educator workshops are intended for staff working in schools, for clinicians such as counsellors, psychologists, OT's, speech pathologists, social workers and youth workers working in private practice and for parents running home school. To arrange a workshop at a time that suits your staff, simply contact Mark:
Mark Le Messurier
Phone (08) 83320698,