Mark Le Messurier, New Year 2019, educator workshop 3 of 12
What is 'What's the Buzz?' How does it work and why use it?
An interactive question and answer session about 'What's the Buzz? and 'Social and emotional literacy' (3 hours)
'What's the Buzz? for PRIMARY Students' was first released in 2011. Then, in 2015, 'What's the Buzz? for EARLY LEARNERS came on stream. They are now used globally in 130 countries, in 100's of schools, private practices and organisations supporting young people. We are currently re-writing 'What's the Buzz? for PRIMARY Students' and have just completed a new 'What's the Buzz with Teenagers?' And, Archie has grown up; he now features in all 3 programs!
Our intention was to create an inexpensive, flexible, engaging social and emotional literacy program, that was based on state-of-the-art research to boost the transference of skills. The rest is history. Most recently, 'What's the Buzz?' has undergone its own clinical trials with 2000 South Australian students to test its efficacy. The preliminary results are positively breathtaking.
Join me for an hour for a 'Question and Answer session' on 'What's the Buzz?' a program that has now proven itself particularly instructive and appealing for young people, aged 4 to 15 years.
The session will provide participants with the opportunity to;
Educator workshops are intended for staff working in schools, for clinicians such as counsellors, psychologists, OT's, speech pathologists, social workers and youth workers working in private practice and for parents running home school. To arrange a workshop at a time that suits your staff, simply contact Mark:
Mark Le Messurier
Phone (08) 83320698,